Because we live in language: We live mostly on the surface of a moody unconscious ocean of language. We suffer these moods. We concern ourselves with the condition of the waves determining the current ups and downs of our consciousness. These waves control us like the definitions in the dictionary. They impose unseen limits. But the ocean is deep and ancient and mysterious. It has connections.
In the realm of spirit everything is always connected to its opposite. No cloud, no lightning. Everything is also connected to its complement. Opposite and complement: same thing. It is not obvious on the surface that 'love' and 'libido' and 'belief' arise from the same root. In the origin, love is an undefined capacity to care; like a stem-cell ready to take any form needed. Everything we see or experience is born out of that desirous caring or willing. Love libidinizes; it projects itself as a fluidly physical stream of emotionally moving experiences. E-motion is the complement to motion. If we don't care, we don't feel. If we don't feel--we can't experience. Experience congeals into belief. The physical flows into the mental and stops. Concepts and definitions are frozen, solidified ice cubes of spirit, glaciers of history, mental images that resemble a beginning gone by.
Spiritual, physical and mental are connected like gas, liquid, and solid states; like beginning, middle and end. When we try to figure out what to do we mistake the end for the beginning, the mental for the spiritual. In the beginning we are poets, we end as technicians. We may be right, but who cares? We begin as possibilities, in the end we are defined (i.e. limited) by what we know.
Begin again! AA says: 'When the spiritual malady is overcome, we straighten out mentally and physically.' This can be extrapolated to mean 'as it is in spirit (the beginning) so shall it be for the body (middle) and the mind (end).' Your mind is a conclusion factory. It is where everything stops (concludes). If you don't like what you see, don't try to change it directly. Don't try to shave the guy in the mirror. S(h)ave yourself and you will see him save himself. When we create the future out of our conclusions we lose the distinction between our past and our future. We end up getting mad at the guy in the mirror.
Getting to the beginning. The future is physical. If you were an ice cube you might think you can't change. It would make sense in the freezer. To make sense out of such conclusions is to repeat the past. To make sense out of spirit is to create a new future, like a breath of fresh air. Spirit is a formless, shapeless, gaseous state. Our minds are ontological freezers. Concepts are ice cubes of congealed, frozen spirit. Warm up your concepts by getting out of your mind and into your body and you will feel fluidity return. Return to spirit and you will feel creativity return.